Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Delighted At New £30 Million Competition Project To Make The UK A Leading Country In Building 5G Networks

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomes the new project and “believes it is a great step in the movement of technology for the future”. The scheme will tackle the world’s over-reliance on a small number of telecoms vendors by developing new, innovative solutions right here in the UK. It will help build confidence in the security and resilience of new 5G technology as it delivers incredible social and economic benefits for people and businesses.

The Future RAN Competition (FRANC) will fund innovative R&D projects across the UK to speed up the adoption of a new breed of wireless communication technology - Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) - which allows equipment from multiple suppliers to be used in 5G networks and will end their current dependence on one company’s technology to function.

The competition will allow those to receive a share of the £30 million for those who submit proposals for projects that will help to fast-track the availability of viable Open RAN products and suppliers and create a stronger case for government and business investment in the technology. Proposals could include exploring issues around power efficiency, the management of radio wave ‘spectrum’ resource, the availability of advanced software platforms, systems integration and security.

The strategy aims to build a more secure and innovative telecoms supply chain which is fit for the future, less reliant on a small number of multinational suppliers and more accessible for new market entrants. This will help the UK capitalise on 5G’s potential to improve people’s lives with lightning fast connectivity and revolutionary data capacity. Justin is pleased “ in the move towards a bright future after the pandemic and it is a great positive step towards being able to rely on a stronger faster network which will in turn aid our rebuilding of businesses and give the UK a potential for a much improved technology sector to keep up with the growing global market”.

The government hopes the competition fosters research collaboration between international and new homegrown players in the UK’s public telecoms networks. Its launch follows the opening last week of a new government-backed £1 million high tech lab to help accelerate the adoption of Open RAN technology. Both schemes are major pillars of the government’s £250 million 5G Diversification Strategy which was published alongside a timetable for the removal of Huawei equipment from 5G networks.

This launch by the government follows the opening last week of a new government-backed £1 million high tech lab to help accelerate the adoption of Open RAN technology. The adoption of this is crucial for expanding technology and in turn creating new opportunities in the business and employment sector, which is critical for rebuilding the United Kingdom after the effects of Covid-19.

The deadline for applications for the FRANC is 27 August 2021, with winning projects expected to be announced in the autumn.

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