Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Enjoys Excellent Visit To DASH

Local MP and Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, visited parents last week from the Discovering Autistic Spectrum Happiness charity group. 

DASH represents over 2,000 families in Swindon and works to improve the quality of life of those with Aspergers and other high functioning Autistic Spectrum Conditions living in Swindon. 

The Independent charity has three primary aims, including:

1) Raising awareness of Aspergers
2) Promoting and enhancing access to assessment and diagnosis, post diagnosis support, welfare and care, housing, education and employment
3) Researching, promoting and trying to deliver a local model of support and services

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I was extremely grateful to all of the parents from DASH who have children on the autistic spectrum for sharing their views and concerns. Amongst other subjects, we were particularly keen to discuss the new Personal Independence Payment, which is replacing the Disability Living Allowance, and how the new benefit will be better equipped to provide accurate assessments. I am very much looking forward to continue engaging with local groups like DASH, and ensuring a consistent and open conversation remains." 


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