Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Hails STEM Programme At Nova Hreod Academy

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson recently praised Nova Hreod Academy in North Swindon during the launching of its Catalyst STEM programme, which is aimed at getting more students studying the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

The programme will involve a specially developed timetable to target subjects that will help students in pursuing careers in the sector. This will include additional modules on engineering and computer science. The school is working with organisations and businesses in Swindon to teach employability skills and industry knowledge to pupils.

Justin recently attended the school for the launch of the programme, and met with Nova Hreod’s Headteacher. On the visit, Justin highlighted that the programme will be a great way to tackle the gap in females getting involved in STEM.

Justin Tomlinson MP said:

“It’s incredibly important to raise the point that there’s a gap in girls being involved in STEM. I’ve worked on this issue in Parliament and there’s a real drive from employers to have a more diverse workforce, and we can see that they’re working on that here.”

“The key bit is attracting those businesses to provide mentors for the school because that is what will spark the imagination.”

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