Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Hosts Parliamentary Sports Fair

The North Swindon MP and recently elected Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport, Justin Tomlinson, has launched the #GetYourKitOn report at this year’s Parliamentary Sports Fair in Westminster.

Having previously chaired the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Sport before, Justin was delighted to be put forward again in this Parliament to become Chair for another spell. APPGs are informal groups of MPs and members of the House of Lords, brought together by a common interest. Together with Co-Chair Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson and colleagues across all parties, the APPG campaigns in Westminster to raise the profile of sport and its many benefits to individuals, communities and society at large. It also aim to make sure that organisations such as the Sport and Recreation Alliance and its many members have a voice in Parliament.

The Fair was a celebration of the achievements of the APPG for spor over the past year and gave MPs & Peers the opportunity to learn more about each of the sports and the opportunity to have a go. It brought together a number of sport and recreation APPGs, including:

  • Mountaineering
  • Running
  • Angling
  • Cricket
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Boxing
  • Football
  • Cycling
  • Tennis
  • Rowing

The Sports Fair also coincided with the launch of the Sport and Recreation Alliance’s Guide to Grassroots Sport and Recreation. The Guide’s publication follows on from the #GetYourKitOn (#GYKO) campaign that was launched by the Alliance last November to highlight the value that the public places on government investment in sport, and to protect funding for the sector.

Encouraging the development of grassroots sport is something the APPG feel passionately about and they were delighted when the Chancellor of the Exchequer confirmed in his Spending Review that funding would be protected in real terms throughout the rest of the current Parliament.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Sport has amazing potential; whether it’s disability sport, as portrayed heroically by our utterly inspiring team of Paralympians; whether it’s delivering sport to disadvantaged backgrounds, so that youngsters stay out of trouble; or whether it is simply promoting a range of skills including teamwork, competitiveness and motivation; as well as general health & well-being – both mentally and physically. The power of sport is huge. It is an honour to be the Chair of the APPG Sport, and to host the Parliamentary Sports Fair. This year, we had the added boost of our British Summer of Sporting Success & the launch of the #GetYourKitOn campaign. I’d encouraged residents who have been inspired this summer to try something new; you never know where it will take you!”

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