Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Hosts Roundtable On Housing & Universal Credit

North Swindon MP and Work & Pensions Minister, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed a constructive and informative roundtable meeting discussing Universal Credit.

The meeting, which Justin hosted alongside Secretary of State Amber Rudd, brought together groups which represent landlords across all parts of the United Kingdom including:

  • East Lothian Housing Association
  • Clarion Housing Group
  • Seraph
  • National Housing Federation
  • Peabody
  • Curo
  • National Federation of Arms Length Management Organisations (ALMOS)
  • Community Housing Cymru
  • Riverside
  • The Scottish Association of Landlords
  • Residential Landlords Association
  • Scottish Federation of Housing Associations
  • Optivo

Working alongside both landlords and tenants, Ministers recently announced changes to the way rent payments go to landlords – moving to a normal monthly cycle this year. Further work is ongoing as part of the 'test and learn' approach being taken to Universal Credit.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Alongside the Secretary of State, I am keen to work with both renters & landlords to ensure we continue to make improvements so that the system works for everyone. The meeting was very informative, and I am grateful for the continued input & ideas from all involved who attended.”

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