Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Hosts Swindon Branch Of The Motor Neurone Disease Association

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson met with the Swindon Branch of the Motor Neurone Disease Association to discuss the finding of a report into the financial implications of Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

The report found that the financial impact of an MND diagnosis could be as high as £12,000 a year. This includes one off costs such as home adaptations, and regular costs such as higher heating bills.

The Swindon MND Association asked Justin to support seven recommendations, which included: better signposting towards financial support for those diagnosed with MND, a planning process with employers to ensure people with MND continue in work for as long as they want and are able to, and extending ‘returnships’ for carers looking to return to work. Justin was keen to back the proposals, and provided advice and support.

As well as representative from Swindon MND Association, Justin met with local resident Pauline who was diagnosed with MND last year. Pauline, and her husband John, provided a great insight in to MND and the impact the disease has had on them. Justin was also pleased to hear the positive comments they had about the care and treatment they had received since moving back to Swindon. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “As the former Minister for Disabled People I am very aware of the impact this terrible disease has on a person and their families. I am very grateful to Pauline and John for visiting and talking to me, I really appreciated the time they took to share their thoughts and experiences. The issues raised by the report and the recommendations put forward were very interesting, and I am keen to continue working with organisations like the MND Association to see how the government can support those diagnosed with MND, and their families.”

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