Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Hosts Swindon Society Exhibition At His Community Office

Justin Tomlinson MP’s community office at the Orbital Shopping Park was taken over by the Swindon Society last week, as they put on a brilliant open display showcasing the history of the town.

From its very beginnings, the Society has attempted to record the social history of the town since the 1850s. The collection contains a huge variety of photographs including the GWR Swindon Works, Swindon Tramway system, Wilts & Berks Canal, Swindon in both World Wars, school groups, areas of the town including Old Town, Gorse Hill, Rodbourne, surrounding villages and much more.

The collection now numbers more than 15,000 images and is used to illustrate presentations to local groups.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to have all of these photographs in my office for the day. Photographs can tell us so much and that is certainly the case when it comes to the rich history of Swindon. I admired the real passion that the Swindon Society volunteers have and I hope they will be able to have another display in the future.”

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