Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Joins Celebrations As Zurich Wins National Responsible Business Award

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed the news that Zurich has won the National Responsible Business Champion award at an event in Parliament.

The prestigious honour, for which Justin nominated Zurich, is awarded to businesses for supporting their local community; investing in healthy workplaces; offering apprenticeships and training to all age groups; promoting equality and diversity in the workplace, including offering disabled people work opportunities; and monitoring suppliers’ actions on these issues.

Sophie Timms collected the award from the Minister for Disabled People, Work & Health Sarah Newton, on behalf of the company which employs a large number of people in Swindon.

The All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group (APCRG) work to promote debate and understanding of corporate social responsibility within Parliament. It seeks to achieve this by promoting an exchange of views between Parliamentarians and people with an active interest in corporate responsibility.

The criteria for the 2017 Award reflected the fact that the Group wanted to support the action being taken by Government and responsible businesses to reduce the disability employment gap.

In his nomination, Justin highlighted Zurich's work to promote a healthy workplace and to encourage diversity and equality in a nomination which also drew attention to its important contribution to Swindon, through a “fantastic volunteering scheme” and generous financial support for local charities.

The judges noted Zurich’s commitment to improving the lives of thousands of people across Swindon and beyond, highlighting its work to help young people and those with a long term health condition or disability.

The Zurich Community Trust is a registered charity which is funded by an annual donation from the Zurich UK businesses and by generous donations from Zurich's UK employees.  Since its creation in 1973, the Trust has donated over £65 million.  Last year they delivered £2.8 million of charitable activities and, through the full range of its programmes, improved the quality of life of over 100,000 disadvantaged people.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "This is fantastic news and thoroughly deserved recognition of Zurich’s charitable work through the Zurich Community Trust. Throughout my time as a Member of Parliament, ZCT has consistently gone above and beyond to provide opportunities to people from all walks of life. I was delighted that, having nominated Zurich for the National Responsible Business Champion, they have taken the top prize in this prestigious competition. The award is a really fitting tribute to Lord Joffe and Tony Martin who we sadly lost this year, both of whom did tremendous work through the ZCT."

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