Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Joins Masterchef Presenter For Red Nose Day

Justin Tomlinson, MP for North Swindon, rolled up his sleeves to show off his cupcake decorating skills at an event marking Red Nose Day 2017 in Parliament.

Masterchef presenter Gregg Wallace took on the role of judge as more than 60 parliamentarians of all parties competed to win first place in the Maltesers® and Sainsbury’s Red Nose Day Parliamentary ‘Bake a Million’ competition. Ian Murray MP (Lab, Edinburgh South) emerged triumphant from the closely-fought contest, with Ian Paisley MP (DUP, North Antrim) in second place.

The competition, which was organised by Maltesers® in partnership with Sainsbury's – the official retailer of the iconic Red Nose and Red Nose Day merchandise – was held to celebrate this year’s Red Nose Day, taking place on Friday 24th March.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was fantastic to join Gregg Wallace and colleagues to show our support for Red Nose Day 2017. The event raises vital funds to support people in need both at home & abroad and this year's on the night total of £71 million is testament to the generosity of the great British public!"

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