Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Joins Students To Pass Haydonleigh School Sports Bill

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has visited Haydonleigh Primary School to give pupils the opportunity to pass their own Parliamentary School Bill in another of his trademark school assemblies where youngsters are encouraged to learn about how Parliament works.

The students were split into two, with one side of the room becoming the House of Commons, whilst the other side became the House of Lords. The Bill, which was about increasing the hours spent playing sport in school, was carried by the nominated Clerk, before going back and forth between the Commons and Lords, with both sides disagreeing on how much extra sport they wanted, until the 'MPs' cast their final votes. 

After the School Bill went between the two Houses, the Clerk took the bill to the 'Queen' who was happy to grant Royal Assent (after it was explained that her initial no would trigger a constitutional crises!)

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I really enjoy doing the school assemblies as it really is great to see pupils engaged in the parliamentary process. The students in Haydonleigh displayed real enthusiasm and enjoyment as they were walked through the democratic process – I was definitely able to spot a few budding politicians!”

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