Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson Welcomes Disability Employment Milestone

North Swindon MP, and former Minister of State for Disabled People, Health & Work, has welcomed news that the Government has reached its target of getting 1 million more disabled people into work by 2027.

As part of the 2017 election manifesto, the Government outlined a 10-year employment goal to break down barriers for disabled people and build more diverse and inclusive workforces.

The latest figures from the Office Of National Statistics show the number of disabled people in employment has increased by 1.3 million since 2017 – meaning the Government has achieved its target five years earlier than promised.

In his previous role as Minister for Disabled People, Justin led the DWP’s work to support more people with disabilities into employment. This work saw him revive the Government’s Disability Confident scheme – which helps employers create more accessible and diverse workforces by championing inclusive recruitment practices. The Disability Confident Scheme has gone from strength to strength and now includes 20,000 employers and covers 11 million paid employees.

More locally, Justin has worked to support people with disabilities in Swindon find employment opportunities through initiatives such as a ‘Reverse Job Fair’ – which invited potential employers to meet with local charities and organisations to understand the benefits of employing someone with a disability.

Justin Tomlinson said: “Throughout my time as Minister for Disabled People, I met many people with disabilities who wanted to enter the workforce. Like everyone else they wanted the independence and fulfilment that employment brings. The work I did as a minister to increase meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities is some of the most rewarding, I have done in my parliamentary career.

I am delighted to hear that the target has been reached, and that there are 1.3 million more people with disabilities in employment and fulfilling their potential. It is important that we build on the progress made, and I hope the Government can push on further and create even more opportunities.”

Over the next three years, the government will invest £1.3 billion in employment support for disabled people and people with health conditions. This money will go towards building up existing provision, including expanding employment support, to grow the economy and help people with the cost of living.

Support into employment will also be an important theme within the DWP’s Health and Disability White Paper, due to be published later this summer, and it will outline further detail about how the £1.3 billion investment will be spent. Details of how the funding will be used are to be set out in the Health and Disability White Paper – which follows on from the Health and Disability Green Paper announced by Justin last year.

Picture – Justin at a ministerial visit to Harry Specters, a chocolate shop creating job opportunities for people with autism

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