Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Learns How Broadcasters Are Improving Access To Content For All

North Swindon MP and Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has visited the studios of Sky to experience the work they are doing to improve accessibility to their content. 

Currently, around one in five people accessing of Sky's content utilise some form of descriptive technology; be it through subtitling or audio-description. As a result, the company is working to improve the facilities used by viewers with visual or hearing impairments. 

During the visit, Justin was able to meet with staff who ensure that programmes are properly subtitled, and saw how live programmes are broadcast with almost instantaneous subtitling. Additionally, Justin saw how an increase in the number of shows with audio description is allowing viewers to become fully immersed in a programme. 

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "Many of us take for granted the ability to enjoy programmes on television, or access content on websites. However it is important that everyone has the opportunity to do this. The major broadcasters are taking positive steps to improve access to their content and it was interesting to see first-hand how Sky is using modern technology to ensure people with visual or hearing impairment can enjoy what the company has to offer."

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