Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Makes Pledge In The Fight Against Dementia

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has pledged to take action to support the 800,000 people living with dementia across the UK.
Justin joined 200 MPs from all parties, representatives from Alzheimer’s Society and Arlene Philips in Portcullis House, Westminster to provide a handwritten statement of the action they will take to support people with dementia and their carers. Justin pledged to support Dementia Friends in their constituency.
The Alzheimer's Society is aiming to have one million Dementia Friends by 2015, to help make England more dementia-friendly and improve the lives of the 650,000 people currently living with the condition. If you are interested in becoming a Dementia Friend or helping create more communities that are dementia friendly, go to dementiafriends.org.uk to find your nearest information session or to volunteer as a Dementia Friends Champion.
Justin has welcomed the Prime Minister's commitment to extend funding for research into the causes of dementia to record levels and the Government's decision to organise a special conference of the G8 to discuss the international response to dementia care.
Justin Tomlinson MP said: "One in three people over 65 will develop dementia, and it is a health issue that we should never ignore.  I am supporting Alzheimer’s Society campaigners with their trailblazing Dementia Friends initiative. Dementia Friends aims to help people understand what it might be like to live with dementia and turn that understanding into action, which could make a real difference to people right here in Swindon”.
Jeremy Hughes, Chief Executive at Alzheimer’s Society said: "Most people don’t know enough about dementia. Dementia Friends is the perfect opportunity to be able to invite everyone to improve their knowledge. We are pleased to have been able to engage with Justin and fellow MPs. They have a huge influence in their local communities and we hope their respective communities will use this opportunity to take action and improve lives".
Alzheimer’s Society is aiming to have one million Dementia Friends by 2015, to help make England more dementia-friendly and improve the lives of the 650,000 people currently living with the condition. If you are interested in becoming a Dementia Friend or helping create more communities that are dementia friendly, go to dementiafriends.org.uk to find your nearest information session or to volunteer as a Dementia Friends Champion.

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