Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Meets Latest NCS Participants

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has returned to New College to meet with young people from across Swindon who are taking part in the National Citizen Service (NCS).

Since its inception more than a hundreds of thousands of young people nationally have taken part in the scheme, including hundreds in Swindon. NCS facilitates social and educational projects to encourage 15-17 year olds with volunteering, communication skills and confidence. The programme incentives youngsters to help develop the very areas that they come from, whilst strengthening their skills base by learning essential lessons like working in a team. The scheme should be commended for the work it has achieved in strengthening local communities as well as preparing teenagers for working life.

Each year, Justin takes the opportunity to visit the students taking part to see first-hand how NCS is changing their lives. At New College, Justin met with another group who are using their half-term to take on the wide-range of activities which form the programme.

Last year, the Government committed to expand NCS to ensure that all young people who want to participate will be able to take part. Legislation is set to be brought forward in the near future and Justin will be playing an active part in ensuring that the proposal becomes law.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to meet up with the students taking part in NCS this half term. I have long been a supporter of the NCS programme and regularly visit the schemes across Swindon to see what a positive effect it has had on so many young people. The scheme should be commended for the work it has achieved in strengthening local communities as well as preparing teenagers for working life. As we expand NCS, I will be actively working in Parliament and locally to ensure that every young person who wants to take part in the scheme can!”



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