Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Meets Therapy Dogs UK In Parliament

North Swindon MP & Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson, has joined MPs from across Parliament to learn more about the work of therapy dogs.

Justin attended a drop-in event hosted by Therapy Dogs UK to meet the dogs and learn more about the organisation.

Therapy Dogs UK is run by volunteers and uses the calm and friendly nature of dogs to reduce stress and anxiety. The dogs have been used in hospitals and schools to help calm patients and pupils at times of acute stress and anxiety – and a recent study using therapy dogs in Southampton Children’s Hospital was met with a very positive response.

Justin was also amazed to learn that some assistance dogs can smell when the blood sugar of a diabetic person has dipped, or sense when a person might be about to have seizure.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “Dogs are very peaceful and loyal animals, who can provide much needed calm and reassurance at times of high stress and anxiety. In my role as the Minister for Disabled People, I have seen just how vital therapy & assistance dogs can be; not only changing lives, but saving them as well. It was very interesting to hear about the work of Therapy Dogs UK and how therapy dogs can be utilised to support a wide variety of people – and, of course, it was fantastic to meet the dogs themselves.”

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