Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Officially Opens Aqualush

Justin Tomlinson MP visited BSS House to officially open Aqualush, a new and exciting local business in Cheney Manor Industrial estate.

The shop is operated by owner Karen Hunt who is keen to promote responsible fish ownership and maintenance. The shop aims to sell a selection of tropical and marine fish along with living coral and rocks for use in tanks.

Small businesses are the life blood of the local economy and whilst there is a current push to show that the UK is open for business, as a former businesses owner Justin appreciates the high importance of highlighting that Swindon is open for business too.

Earlier this year the Government announced that from 2017, small local businesses occupying a property with a rateable value under £12,000 will pay zero business rates with tapered relief given to those in the £12-£15K bracket.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This is an amazing venture. What’s important is that this is a sustainable business so it ticks all the boxes with consumers becoming more environmentally aware.”

Karen Hunt said: “I won a goldfish at a fair when I was about seven and it all started from there. I’ve always had fish and I enjoy raising them and watching them flourish. It’s been a stressful time getting the place up and running but it’s all been worth it. Even after so many years I am still excited and fascinated by the fish that I have. The colour, the symbiotic nature of the relationships between the fish, looking after them is incredible, they’re so relaxing to watch, they all have their own personalities.”

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