Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Opens Up Community Office To Wide Range Of Local Groups & Charities

It was a very busy month for North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson’s Community Office, with many groups taking the opportunity to use it as a venue for their activities. 

Swindon Carers Centre put on a lively three-day film-making workshop to give young carers a break over the half term. The youngster worked with a professional documentary maker to produce their own short film about themselves.

A coffee morning was organised by disability charity Enrych – which supports adults with disabilities to enjoy a more active and independent life. The group invited people who use the service to come to the community office and socialise over a cup of tea and a piece of cake.

Local residents came to the community office to see the Swindon Down’s Syndrome Group open day. The event showcased the work done by Swindon Down’s Syndrome group, and advertise what opportunities there are for the people it supports.

The local UK Sepsis Trust support group used the office for its regular meeting to help people affected by sepsis, allowing them a comfortable place to talk about their experiences and support each other.

Families Need Fathers, a charity supporting parents and grandparents to have personal contact and meaningful relationships with their children following parental separation, held an event at the community office to provide information and support to families.

A food safety course was held by The Olive Tree Café, an organisation which helps and supports people recovering from mental illness or at risk of suffering mental illness by providing them with positive, work-related opportunities in a Café. The Café’s volunteers attended the course to prepare them for working in the café.

The community office is open to be used by charity and community groups, and has already seen a wide variety of events – including: coffee mornings; children’s play sessions; AGMs, training sessions and meetings; and support groups.

If you are interested in using the office, please contact justin.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk

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