Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Pledges Support To Guide Dogs Charity

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has praised Guide Dogs UK for the excellent work they do both nationally and in North Swindon. 

As well as providing support for blind and partially sighted people, Guide Dogs UK also fund research into a number of eye conditions and educate the public about eye care. In addition, the charity works to improve the law to better support blind and partially-sighted members of the public.

Justin has actively campaigned with Guide Dogs UK for the greater installation of audio announcements on public transport, which would be beneficial a large number of a blind and partially-sighted commuters.

Swindon itself has a fundraising group for Guide Dogs UK, led by the excellent Alan Fletcher, which helps to heighten awareness, recruit more volunteers to train young guide dogs and campaign for the rights of people with visual impairments.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "I am a big supporter of Guide Dogs UK and the excellent work they do. In Swindon we have the fantastic Alan Fletcher and his team of volunteers who do an amazing job supporting Guide Dogs across the town and I am pleased that Alan's work has been recognised both locally and nationally."

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