Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Praises Valuable Role Of Working Links

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has highlighted the important and valuable progress that Working Links have made with businesses, and candidates across Swindon, as he attended the Employability Day event at Alexander House in the Town Centre.

Working Links works across the whole of the UK to ensure people do not become socially excluded in periods of unemployment and helping people who are out of work, whether it is through a lack of skills, opportunities or persons who have been in prison looking to turn their life around. Working Links provide the skills, expertise and knowledge in a commercial environment to help get people back on track.

By addressing the challenges faced by those who have lost their way, the company aims to tackle poverty though installing aspiration and working with people to motivate and increase self-esteem, and challenge often deep-rooted mind-sets.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "While unemployment in Swindon is well below the national average at just 1.3%, there are still fantastic efforts being made locally to help those looking for work into careers that best suit them. Swindon Jobfest is a brilliant example of how we can bring together local employers, employment support providers and residents to help fellow Swindon residents find the employment that suits them. Every year the event gets bigger & better, and I'm delighted that this year so many of our major local employers have taken part".

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