Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP represents UK at United Nations Disability Conference

North Swindon MP & Minister of State for Disabled People Justin Tomlinson has represented the UK Government at the United Nation’s at the global Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Justin was due to attend the Convention at the United Nations in New York but the event was switched online as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, coinciding with the International Day of People with Disabilities on the 3rd December.

His main duty at the Convention was to submit a general statement on behalf of the Government detailing the UK’s domestic & international work in improving the lives of disabled people. He also took part in a virtual round table on ‘Disability and business: realizing the right to work in open, inclusive and accessible environments for persons with disabilities,’ where he discussed his priorities to create more opportunities for disabled people and break down barriers when it comes to employment.

The Convention ended when Justin formally handed over the Global Disability Summit (which the UK hosted in 2018) to Norway who will host the next Summit in 2022.

Justin commented, “This was the first time I have represented the UK Government on the International stage and it was a real honour to talk about our commitments to improving the lives of disabled people in this country, particularly through improved access to opportunities and services.

Whilst it was disappointing not to be able to visit the UN in New York, I am very glad that the event was able to go ahead and it was very useful & interesting to hear what my international counterparts are doing in their countries to help disabled people.”

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