Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Speaks To Students About His Unconventional Path Into Politics

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has spoken to students at New College about his unconventional path into Politics, as well as the importance of engaging in the political process at a younger age.

Justin first got involved in Politics during a school mock election. He was determined to go down a different path to his classmates, two of which ended up going to prison, only to be told by his careers advisor that he would never make it as an MP. Justin defied that prediction and told New College students that there was nothing stopping them from following the same path.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "You have to engage. As you become the next generation of voters you have to contact your representatives. Tell us what it is you like. Tell us what it is you don't. You need to give us suggestions and you need to challenge us. If you think your MP has done a good job, then come out and vote for them. But if you think we've done a rubbish job then either vote us out, or stand yourself. You don't have to be a gifted, polished, public speaker. You don't have to know every nuance of every policy. But if you care, if you give a damn, then give it a go. Get involved. There is no reason why any one of you could not be an MP one day too."

A summary of the event has been written in the Swindon Advertiser: http://www.swindonadvertiser.co.uk/news/15626576.MP_urges_students_to_get_involved_as_he_recalls_his_own_unlikely_path_to_parliament/?ref=twtrec

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