Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Supports Fujitsu's Successful Disability Passport

Local MP Justin Tomlinson has met with representatives from Fujitsu to discuss a variety of issues including their contribution to the Disability Confident campaign.

Fujitsu employs around 12,000 people across the UK and has been a supporter of the Governments Disability Confident campaign since its creation 2 years ago. Crucially the company has developed its own internal system in which people with a disability are given a Disability Passport. The passport means that an employee only has to share their disability with Fujitsu once, and if an employee moves to a different department or location within the company, then adaptations are made accordingly based on their disability passport.

The system means that disabled employees do not have to keep repeating their special requirements over and over to different people. Successfully this has led to an 81% increase in the number of employees sharing their disability with the company.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It’s great to hear the work that Fujitsu are doing to help their disabled employees, and the disability passport is certainly an idea that other companies should look at. I was also delighted to hear that Fujitsu have made it a priority to discuss the Disability Confident campaign with their supply chains. This means that more and more businesses will become open to the idea of employing somebody with a disability – an experience which is of great value to any business. I will be encouraging other big companies to do the same.”

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