Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Supports Local Amateur Filmmaker At Screening At Shaw Ridge

Last Sunday, Justin Tomlinson attended a film evening hosted by Swindon resident and amateur filmmaker Simon Sly.

Simon had hired one of the screens at Cineworld in Shaw Ridge to showcase his compilation of short films, entitled “The 12 Wonders of the Short Film World”, to a packed audience full of family and friends. Simon who is former maths teacher, was diagnosed with primary progressive MS eight years ago but the world of cinema has allowed Simon to escape and use his creativity to produce a variety of different short films some of which are light-hearted whilst others carry a more serious message.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was a really enjoyable evening and it is great to see that Simon, who has had a really tough time, has such a great passion that allows him to escape into the world of film. I really would encourage others to look at Simon’s various different film channels and projects. It really is inspiring that Simon has persevered and continued to do what he enjoys and is good at.”

The Twelve Wonders of the Short Film World can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD87dys-lhYTt5y4C5A4YNg

Simon’s other films can be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/user/RainbowSimon

Simon has also written a self-help book called Superhuman You, which is for anyone who wants to improve their life, written out of the lessons he learned from overcoming and adapting to life with M.E., getting better from it, and then developing M.S.  The Amazon link is here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Superhuman-You-Your.../dp/B00OF8MUCY


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