Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Talks To Macmillan About His Ministerial Role

In his role as Minister for Disabled People, Justin Tomlinson MP has taken part in a Q&A with Lynda Thomas, Chief Executive of Macmillan Cancer Support, on the financial cost of cancer.

One of the many aspects of cancer that Macmillan looks to address is the concerns that people with cancer and their carers often face when it comes to financial worries. They do so through the Macmillan Support Line, face-to-face benefits advisors and financial guideline services. Through this provision they are able to gain significant insight regarding the financial concerns and support needs of people affected by cancer, and the barriers which often exist in accessing financial support.

Justin spoke to representatives from Macmillan and invited guests, to express his determination to build on the mutual and constructive relationship between Macmillan and the Department for Work and Pensions by sharing expertise and working together to make life easier for those people living with cancer. This involves the improvements to PIP (Personal Independence Payments) which have been designed to reflect a modern understanding of disability; treating all conditions fairly and recognising that conditions such as cancer can change over time, ensuring that the full amount of support required is always accessible.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I was grateful to be given the opportunity to have these constructive talks with Macmillan and I am pleased to continue that good working relationship between Macmillan and the PIP programme. I am also pleased and encouraged by the recent announcement of the Specialist Support Service that Macmillan have launched with Nationwide to deliver a one-to-one tailored service to customers affected by cancer to help them manage and make decisions about their finances. I will be encouraging other financial service providers to follow suit and look into the services they can offer to help vulnerable customers.”

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