Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Unveils New Defibrillator In St. Andrews

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has joined St Andrews’ residents to unveil a new defibrillator.

Located at The Jovial Monk, the new defibrillator had been secured thanks to the fantastic fundraising efforts of The Ridge Coffee Club. To raise the money the group held pub quizzes, table top sales, a Christmas Fair and cake stall, generating an impressive £2500.

With a nursery school across the road, the group decided to raise a little extra in order to purchase a defibrillator with a paediatric setting – so it can be used to treat children as well as adults.

Since being elected to Parliament Justin has worked hard to highlight the UK’s low survival rate for cardiac arrests and worked with organisations like the British Heart Foundation to advocate for greater emergency lifesaving skills education. Last year he helped secure a significant win for this campaign after helping convince the Education Secretary Damian Hinds to include lifesaving skills on the national curriculum – ensuring that all young people will have the knowledge to help save lives.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am very grateful to The Ridge Coffee Club for working so hard to secure such a vital piece of equipment. The UK has some of the lowest cardiac arrest survival rates in the world, installing publicly accessible defibrillators will play an important role in improving this.”

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