Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Urges More Local Residents To Visit Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed members of the Thamesdown Probus to Parliament for a tour and discussion about life in Westminster & what it's like to be an MP.

The group of almost forty residents traveled to Westminster and were treated to an expert guided tour of Parliament, which includes visiting the House of Commons, the House of Lords and the opportunity to stand of the Government Despatch Box (historically used by Prime Ministers including Sir Winston Churchill & Margaret Thatcher, and still used to this day). Following the tour, the group had the opportunity to question Justin on life as an MP, splitting his time between Swindon & Westminster, as well as discussing policy and the work he has done to promote Swindon in Parliament.

Justin regularly welcomes North Swindon residents to Parliament, and is encouraging more local residents to visit Parliament to see this historic Palace up close and personal.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "It was wonderful to welcome so many fellow local residents to Westminster so that they could see Parliament up close, and find out what being an MP is really like. It is an enormous honour to represent the town I call home and it's always a pleasure to show Swindon residents around the place they sent me to represent them. Thamesdown Probus is the latest in a series of groups from Swindon to visit Parliament, and over the coming months I look forward to welcoming even more Swindonians to Westminster."

If you live in North Swindon and are interested in visiting Parliament, either individually or as part of a group, contact Justin via e-mail at justin.tomlinson.mp@parliament.uk 

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