Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Visits Local Temporary Housing Provision For Rough Sleepers

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has visited Swindon Borough Council’s Temporary Winter Housing Provision to see first hand the work it does to support some of the town’s rough sleepers.

Based at the former Riverside School off Queen’s Drive, the initiative provides shelter and close personal support to 12 identified rough sleepers.

The aim is to not only provide the participants with safe and warm accommodation, but to also help them better engage with services which will help them secure permanent housing.

In addition to the overnight assistance a day centre called The Haven will also be in operation, which will help rough sleepers access vital support for underlying issues contributing to their homelessness – such as addiction issues and mental health problems.

The temporary housing will run until April, while The Haven will be run for the next three years by Swindon Night Shelter – a local charity supporting people who become homeless.

The work locally builds on the work the Government is doing nationally to reduce rough sleeping through the new Rough Sleeping Strategy. Backed by a £100 million investment, the strategy aims to fulfil the Government’s ambition to eliminate rough sleeping by 2027.

Developed across Government in conjunction with charities and experts, it lays out a 3-pronged approach to tackling rough sleeping, including:

  • preventing rough sleeping by providing timely support to those at risk

  • intervening to help people already on the streets get swift, targeted support

  • helping people recover, find a new home quickly and rebuild their lives

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “This is a brilliant initiative, fostering a stronger and more positive relationship between homelessness services and the people who need their support. It sits very well with the Government’s work to tackle rough sleeping and its aim to help people recover once they find themselves homeless.”

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