Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes 1st Swindon Michigan Beavers To Community Office To Learn More About His Role Representing Them

The 1st Swindon Michigan Beavers were welcomed to North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson’s community office, to learn more about the role of an MP, as well as working towards their My Skills and My World Challenge awards.

The youngsters heard Justin talk about his experience as an MP, and got an interactive lesson in how a Bill is passed through Parliament.

The Beavers' visit was part of their work towards their My Skills Award, part of which involved going somewhere new and finding out five facts about something new.

In order to secure the award the Beavers will have to take part in three activities on: how to keep fit and healthy, do two creative activities, learn a new song and sing it, and invent a machine & show other Beavers how it works.

The visit also contributed towards their My Skills Challenge Award, for which they have to learn about what makes up your local community and meet someone who serves their local community.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was great to meet the Beavers to discuss my role in representing them. It is always a delight to welcome groups like the Beavers, the Guides & the Scouts to my office so that they can learn more about how politics works and how things that happen in Westminster affect them.”

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