Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes Additional Funding To Reduce Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that the Government has awarded £28 million worth of funding to pilot new projects to reduce rough sleeping.

The pilot projects are based on the internationally acclaimed Housing First approach to supporting rough sleepers, which has an incredible rate of success in providing rough sleepers with the support they need to get off the streets and to rebuild their lives.

Many people who find themselves homeless have underlying issues, such as addiction, poor physical or mental health, contact with the criminal justice system, or the lasting effects of a traumatic experience. If a sustainable solution to someone’s homelessness is to be achieved then it is imperative that these underlying issues are addressed. Tackling homelessness and rough sleeping requires a multifaceted approach.

Housing First works with individuals to address their unique needs, in order to help them find a way off the street.

The latest announcement forms part of the Government’s Homelessness Reduction Act, which will be supported by £1.2 billion of funding. The Act aims to halve rough sleeping by 2022 and eliminate it by 2027.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I am very pleased the Government is investing in Housing First schemes. Many people who find themselves sleeping rough, have other underlying and complex issues. Housing First has proved very effective at helping rough sleepers address these issues, and secure the help they need to get off the streets. I am very proud of the ambitious target the Government has set to eliminate rough sleeping, and I will work hard to help the Government achieve this target.”

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