Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes Funding Boost For Swindon Croquet Club

Justin Tomlinson MP at the Swindon and Wiltshire Sports Awards where he met with
the Croquet Club

Swindon Croquet Club has secured Olympic legacy funding from Sport England's Inspired Facilities Fund.  The Inspired Facilities fund is part of the £135 million Places People Play legacy programme that is bringing the magic of a home Olympic and Paralympic Games into communities across the country. Every sports facility that receives funding will carry the London 2012 Inspire mark – celebrating the link to the Games.

The Croquet Club has secured £42,622 of National Lottery Funding to provide a new club room, which will enable the club to provide better facilities for its members and for the many community groups it supports.

Sport England's Chair, Richard Lewis, said: "This National Lottery investment will create a lasting sporting legacy for Swindon.  This fund has really hit the mark with sports clubs in the South West.   It shows we're offering the legacy that people want for their local community. For hundreds of clubs and tens of thousands of people, 2012 will be the year their local sports facilities got better."

Club Chairman Arthur Ingersoll said "We are delighted to have secured this investment as we are very proud of the contribution the club makes to the local community."

Justin Tomlinson MP (North Swindon) said: "This is fantastic news.  The award of £42,622 from Sport England's Inspired Facilities fund means Swindon Croquet Club can now build their much-needed new Club Room.  They already do a lot of valuable work in the local community, and this new facility will help them to extend that even further.

I'm a big believer in grass roots sport, and the Swindon Croquet Club is a shining example of what can be achieved, and how it can benefit the whole community.

I very much look forward to the grand opening later this year, and wish the Club many congratulations and continued success".

As well as providing exercise for club members, many of whom are elderly, SCC entertains groups such as the Stroke Club and the Blind Club, and are actively involved with the Access Sports for disabled children, and the Healthy Lives groups for COPD sufferers.  The secretary John Airey has developed a 'flat iron' type mallet for wheelchair users, and has also made coloured pucks which can be used indoors on shiny surfaces where balls do not work. 

The club averages just under 30 members each year but In 2011 gave 464 children and 439 adults 311 hours of voluntary coaching and support, and this is increasing year on year.

The club previously rented its lawns from Swindon Borough Council which also maintained them, but in order to help the council save money the club has volunteered to maintain the lawns themselves.  This has meant the purchase of suitable equipment, and to store this meant using the club's existing meeting and storage room – an old container.  A new club room was really a necessity.  Fortunately one of the members, Neil Morrison, ran an architectural practice for many years before retirement so was able to provide plans for the new building.  This will provide vastly better facilities which should mean the club can attract more members, entertain more groups and host corporate events.

To find out more about the club visit the website www.swindoncroquetclub.org.uk or follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

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