Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes Journalism Students To Parliament

Justin Tomlinson MP has met with journalism students in Parliament to discuss how he entered politics and the role of MPs in ensuring that legislation is effectively scrutinised.

The students from Highbury College are taught by former Swindon Advertiser editor, Dave King, and were in Parliament as a part of a visit to learn more about the political process and the important role the media has in reporting on politics. Following a tour of the Commons and Lords the students met with BBC journalist and Highbury-graduate, Alex Forsyth, before watching DWP Questions, where Justin highlighted the incredibly successful Olive Tree Café.

Justin then met with the students to discuss how he first became interested in politics and the work he does to represent Swindon, champion it in Parliament and to scrutinise legislation.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was fantastic to welcome journalism students to Parliament to discuss the role of MPs and the vital role the media play in reporting what is happening both locally and nationally.”

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