Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Ban On Single Use Plastics

Justin Tomlinson MP has joined environmental campaigners in welcoming the Government’s announcement of a ban on plastic straws, plastic drink stirrers and plastic handled cotton buds in England– praising it as a ‘really bold and positive step.’

The North Swindon MP, who has backed Sky's Ocean Rescue campaign, lobbied Ministers on the need to take urgent action to end the scourge of single-use plastics which pollute the planet

The Environment Secretary Michael Gove announced this week that the ban will come into force in April next year, following an overwhelmingly positive response to proposals. A public consultation on the proposals showed that 80% of respondents said they agreed with a ban on the distribution and sale of plastic straws, 90% a ban on drinks stirrers, and 89% a ban on cotton buds.

The campaign group Surfers Against Sewage praised the ban, saying: “Stopping the production and distribution of these single-use plastic menaces will prevent them from polluting beaches nationwide. It’s a really positive and bold step in the right direction in the battle against plastic pollution.”

However, exceptions will be made for those that need to use plastic straws for medical reasons, and registered pharmacies will be allowed to sell plastic straws over the counter or online. The Government believes this strikes the right balance between reducing environmental impact while protecting the rights of people with medical conditions and disabilities. The Government will review the situation after one year to assess the impact of these measures and whether the balance is correct.

The work builds on the Government’s 25 Year Plan for the Environment, which has seen the 5p charge on plastic bags remove 15 billion plastic bags from circulation, and one of the world’s strongest bans on beauty products containing plastic microbeads.

The Government is also consulting on plans to introduce a deposit return scheme to drive-up the recycling of drinks bottles and cans, as well as plans to levy a tax on plastic packaging which does not contain a minimum of 30% recycled content from April 2022.

The UK Government has committed £61.4 million for global research into the issue and to help countries across the Commonwealth stop plastic waste from entering the oceans. Building on this, the Government’s £20 million Plastics Research and Innovation Fund encourages researchers and businesses to develop new innovations that can bring changes in the UK’s plastics manufacturing and consumption patterns.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It is painfully clear how serious the issue of plastic pollution is, and it is vital that we take action now. I am very proud of the work the government is doing to address the issue, including a world leading ban on plastic microbeads and removing billions of plastic bags from circulation . The Government has made it very clear that it is willing to take bold steps to tackle plastic pollution and clean up the oceans.”

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