Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Local MP Welcomes New Careers Hub Funding For The Swindon Area

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson has welcomed confirmation that Swindon will host one of 20 new careers hubs, designed to connect more students with future employers.

Since 2015 have seen schools required to have a dedicated careers leader to advise and support students, and by 2020 every secondary school will have to provide pupils with at least seven meaningful encounters with employers, resulting in a record number of careers workshops, job fairs and visits by leading businesses to secondary schools.

After a highly effective trial in the North East of England, which was well-received by employers and students alike, careers hubs are being launched across the country to help schools meet the requirements of helping students find suitable employers. This £5 million of funding is provided through existing Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Swindon & Wiltshire’s LEP successfully applied to lead the scheme. It will begin implementing the careers hubs across schools in Swindon and Wiltshire in the coming year.

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson welcomed the increased provision in North Swindon schools with the supported funding of careers hubs, and believes that the successes of the North East pilot hub not only be replicated, but surpassed in Swindon. It will help young people to capitalise on the opportunities of expanding businesses and high employment in the town.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It is fantastic to see the Government committing to additional support for young people through these new careers hubs. As a Government we are ensuring that students leaving school today are not only equipped with the academic knowledge to compete in work, but also have the skills and know-how that will stand out to employers in a highly competitive jobs market.”

Secretary of State for Education, Damian Hinds MP said: “Hubs like this will support young people with the right advice to help them make decisions about their future by building better links with employers and providing practical guidance and support to improve the provision of careers advice in schools”.

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