Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Data Showing Record Numbers Of People In Work

North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson has welcomed news that there are now nearly 1 million more disabled people in work compared to five years ago, thanks to the Government’s efforts to improve access to work for disabled people.

Since 2014 the number of disabled people in work has risen from 44% to 52% - meaning there are now more disabled people in employment than not.

Justin, who is the Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work, said: “I meet many people with disabilities who are very eager to work and are looking for opportunities. As a Minister I am passionate about showing employers the huge benefits of employing someone with a disability and breaking down the barriers to employment for people with disabilities.”

In his first DWP role, Justin launched the Disability Confident scheme, which helps identify businesses looking to recruit people with disabilities and shares best practice to create opportunities. As part of this Justin has organised employment events aimed at encouraging employers to consider employing someone with a disability.

To breakdown barriers, the Government has established Access to Work, which sees the Government either contributing towards, or completely covering the costs of, adaptations or technology to allow someone with a disability or long-term health condition to secure work or maintain employment. So far Access to Work has helped business adapt to support 34,000 disabled people.

There was good news for employment across the board with the employment rate at a joint record high of 76.1%, and 354,000 more people in employment than last year. The increase in employment over the last year has been entirely down to full-time jobs, with 372,000 more people in full-time employment – compared with 16,000 fewer people in part-time work.

Unemployment is at 3.8% and has not been lower since 1974. There are now 914,000 fewer people unemployed than 5 years ago. The unemployment rate for women is 3.7% - the lowest since records began. There are 472,000 fewer young people unemployed, halving since 2010.

Wages continue to outstrip inflation for the 14th month in a row, rising 3.3% (1.5% when adjusted for inflation) - this, combined with the Government’s work to improve the cost of living, will leave hard working families with more money in their pockets.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “These figures demonstrate the continued strength of the UK’s economy with unemployment falling and wages outstripping inflation for the 14th month running. I am very proud of the work being done by the Government to help people with disabilities find and maintain employment.”

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