Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Fund To Support Young People At Risk Of Violence

Justin Tomlinson MP has welcomed the latest announcement by the Home Office, that the Government is investing £17 million in intervention and preventative action to protect young people at high risk of serious violence.

The new investment by the Home Office will fund 3 types of measures, which are the best evidenced and most innovative serious violence youth interventions.

• High-intensity therapeutic interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy, which the Youth Endowment Fund’s Evidence Toolkit identifies as likely to be highly effective in reducing violent crime.

• ‘Teachable Moment’ style interventions for young people involved in serious violence which capitalise on important moments when they are likely to be most receptive (for example, admission to A&E or in police custody), connecting them to a package of support enabling a more positive life course

• Trauma-informed training for frontline professionals to help them improve support for young people by developing a greater understanding of different types of trauma that may have been experienced by the children and young people they work with

In addition, the Home Office worked with the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) to create the opportunity for additional multi-year co-funding and for enhanced evaluation to improve the evidence base for these interventions, which will be implemented by VRUs.

Justin Tomlinson MP said:

“I think this is a really positive step by the Government, and a boost to the police and other authorities in protecting young people. By identifying areas of growth in communication within communities, as well as embracing ‘teachable moments’, there is a lot that can be accomplished.”

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