Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Law To Ban Use Of Wild Animals In Circuses

A new law to ban the use of wild animals in circuses has been announced by the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove.

The Wild Animals in Circuses Bill will mean circus operators will no longer be able to use wild animals as part of a travelling circus and follows last year’s commitment from the Government to introduce a ban by the time existing licencing legislation expires in January 2020.

The move has been welcomed by North Swindon MP Justin Tomlinson, who has campaigned for the ban since the beginning of his Parliamentary career.

Justin first spoke on the issue in Parliament back in 2011, highlighting the fact that banning live animals could make circuses more popular, as animal lovers opposed to the practice returned to them. Later that year he also discussed the subject with the then Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to ask what steps were in place to ban the use of animals in travelling circuses.

To ensure the subject was kept on the radar, Justin followed up with further Parliamentary questions, pressing the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for action on the issue.

Justin has also successfully campaigned on a number of animal welfare issues, helping to secure:

- A ban on the sale of ivory (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/4191-justin-backs-new-law-to-ban-ivory-sales-protect-elephants)

- A ban on commercial third-party sales of puppies and kittens in England. (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/4275-justin-tomlinson-mp-welcomes-news-government-will-legislate-to-end-puppy-kitten-farming)

- A consultation on the banning of live animal exports (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/4154-local-mp-welcomes-government-consultation-on-banning-live-animal-exports)

- Mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/3929-justin-welcomes-announcement-cctv-will-be-compulsory-in-slaughterhouses)

- An increase in sentences for animal cruelty (http://www.justintomlinson.com/news/3969-justin-hails-series-of-announcements-to-strengthen-animal-welfare-legislation)

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “The use of wild animals in circuses is cruel and undignified, and I am delighted that we are another step closer to securing a ban on this appalling practise. I am very proud of the Government’s record on animal welfare and will continue to support its efforts to build on this work.”

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