Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes New Library on Stratton

Local MP, Justin Tomlinson, has welcomed the news that Stratton St. Margaret Parish Council has introduced a new library facility at Grange Leisure Centre.

The library, which will have more than 450 titles, will work on an honesty system, meaning that those using the facility will sign books out when they borrow them and then sign them back in on their return. Stratton St. Margaret Parish Council responded to calls from residents for library provision in the area and have added the service to the range of successful leisure and cultural activities available to local residents.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: "As the former Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Libraries and as the former Lead Member for Leisure and Culture on Swindon Borough Council, I know the important that libraries play in bringing communities together. In Swindon we have been successful in expanding our library provision and this latest welcome move by Stratton St. Margaret Parish Council means that even more people will be able to easily access a library in Swindon".

John Foley, Chair of Stratton St Margaret Parish Council, said: "The library will provide a very good and much needed service to the parish. We will hopefully expand the library over time but I think it's already quite popular. People had started to use it before it had been officially opened".

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