Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes News Of Another Successful Summer For Draycott Sports Camp

Sports fan and local MP Justin Tomlinson demonstrated his support another year of Draycott Sports Camp.

The summer sports camp is held at Oakhust Primary School and this year they have record numbers participating with every child active and enthusiastic. The camp was established by PE teacher Mark Draycott three years ago.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “It was absolutely fantastic to see a range of activities including gymnastics, athletics, hockey and football being enjoyed by boys and girls of Primary School age. I was particularly pleased to see that the girls were outnumbering boys at the camp and bucking national participation trends. This sports camp is a wonderful facility for children to have access to over the school holidays, and it’s great for working parents across the Northern Sector to have the option of good value activities for their children. It’s so easy these days for children to stay indoors during the holidays watching TV or playing on video games. Draycott Sports Camps ensures that children stay active and get involved with team activities each and every day.”

Draycott sports camp will next be running throughout the summer holidays at Oakhust Primary School. They also have ongoing after-school clubs which run throughout the school term. Further details available at www.draycottsportscamp.com - Telephone: 07581045845

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