Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

North Swindon MP Welcomes StartUp Britain Tour To Swindon

Local MP and former business owner, Justin Tomlinson, has shown his support to the StartUp Britain bus tour this week, as it visited Wharf Green in Swindon.

The bus is supported by RBS, SAGE, Start Up Loans, Upwork and the Centre for Entrepreneurs, and looks to promote entrepreneurship across the country by providing inspiration, resources and advice to thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs.

From 22nd June to mid-August the bus will tour Britain visiting 30 towns and cities with the aim to engage up to 15,000 individuals to kick-start their ambitions.

Justin Tomlinson MP said: “I am truly passionate about supporting entrepreneurship and promoting the benefits to our economy. The StartUp Britain national campaign is doing great work in highlighting the range of support which is available to those who wish to start or expand a business. It’s a great way to inspire and encourage enterprise, and in choosing to stop off in Swindon, the growth of our town is clearly being acknowledged.”

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