Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Scouts Speak Up With Justin Tomlinson MP At Conference Gathering

At the Conservative Party Conference this weekend, Justin Tomlinson MP met with dozens of Scouts from across the country to hear what they had to say about issues that affect them.

He also spoke briefly on how he first got interested in politics and the role of an MP before taking questions from the floor.  Justin also touched upon the important role that organisations like the Scouts can play in providing opportunities for young people.

The annual ‘Scout Speak Up!’ events have been created for Scouts to attend the conferences and are unique in the conference calendar.  They are entirely youth led, giving young people the opportunity to debate with politicians the issues that really matter to young people today.

Ciara Billings, an Explorer Scout said, “It’s great that young people have the opportunity to tell politicians what we think, and for them to listen. It is important that young people have a say, and events like today’s is a great step forward. As a Scout it is important for me to get involved and help inspire others to do so too.”

Issues discussed this weekend included raising the age at which young people can vote, tuition fees and how young people can ensure that their voices are heard by decision makers.  Justin also heard from the young people about how Scouting enriches their lives and their local communities. Many talked about how the skills they’ve learned in Scouting have helped them to find employment and supported their applications to university and college.

Justin Tomlinson MP said “I really enjoyed the Scouts Speak Up! event and the opportunity to discuss with young people the issues that matter to them.  I am a huge supporter of the Scouting movement and the skills, confidence and opportunities it gives young people.

“I’d love to see organisations like the Scouts have a bigger role to play in providing youth services and opportunities for young people.  I was extremely impressed by the knowledge that the Scouts I met today had, and the deep interest that they took in the serious issues that affect them.  They are a credit to their peers and a credit to the Scouting movement.”

Justin takes questions from the floor

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