Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Success For Swindon As Local MPs Secure Two New Secondary Schools For Town

The Government has announced, in an unprecedented move, that two bids for free schools in Swindon have been successful.

Prime Minister, David Cameron, has today listed a number of new schools to be built and, in a rare move, Swindon will receive funding for two new secondary schools. The two successful bids are the Great Western Academy, proposed by New College for the Northern Sector.

The Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust and will become the town's first Church of England secondary school, accepting youngsters of all faiths and none in the Wichelstowe area.

North Swindon MP, Justin Tomlinson, has worked closely with New College to secure the funding for the Great Western Academy.

Justin Tomlinson said: “This is probably my proudest achievement as an MP. Having asked New College to step forward and bid, I have worked tirelessly with them both in Swindon and crucially in Parliament to make absolutely certain we were successful. To have secured two successful new schools is unprecedented and shows how the Free School programme and Conservative Government is working to expand school places and parental choice. As a fellow local resident I made this campaign my absolute priority with a huge amount of work and support. Yet again major investment has been secured and I am so proud to have delivered.I am very grateful for the support of the local community, the local councillors in Priory Vale and St Andrews, and Councillors David Renard and Fionuala Foley who, right to the wire, continued to help build our case.”

School Reform Minister, Nick Gibb, visited Swindon this morning to formally announce Swindon is to get to new secondary schools in what will be a multi-million pound scheme.

Speaking at the new UTC, the Minister said both bids were very strong which is why Swindon is leading the way.

School Reform Minister, Nick Gibb MP, said: “To get through the very rigorous process does require a clear demonstration there is parental demand for a free school and you have to demonstrate you have the right teaching staff, the right curriculum and the whole project is feasible.To get through all the various interviews and paper application means they are very high quality bids. With both bids the curriculum was very strong and they had a clear a clear vision of what they want to achieve.”

Principal of New College, Graham Taylor, said: “We’re delighted with the news but I am surprised to get it because I didn’t think the town would get two bids through. I think it’s the first time which is great for Swindon. The Great Western Academy, as it is called, will be in the north of the town where there is a great demand for places. I am really pleased for all the parental support and support from businesses and especially our local MP Justin Tomlinson, who has put in a lot of work to make this possible. But actually the work starts now. We’ve got to make it happen. We will work our best night and day to bring the town a great school. The smart money is probably on a 2017 opening which we will work very hard to achieve. We’ve got to work with the Department of Education but we’ll aim for that date because the need for places is highest.”

Prime Minister, David Cameron MP, said: “New schools like those announced today are an important part of our plan to improve education so our children can compete with the world's best and enjoy a better future. The opening of these schools will provide a welcome boost to families in Swindon. Justin and Robert have been a strong voice for higher standards and improved discipline in local schools and I am pleased that we have been able to deliver for the area.”

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