Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column - Learning About The History Of Coate Water Railway

This week I joined volunteers at the Coate Water Miniature Railway for their summer Thank You BBQ. The Coate Water Miniature Railway is a fantastic, long-standing leisure attraction in Swindon, with over 70 volunteers providing so much joy to families at Coate. Their summer BBQ was an excellent way to thank volunteers for all the work they do throughout the year, and it was a great opportunity for me to find out more about the history and how it has evolved over the years.

It was great to meet so many engineering enthusiasts as they complete the necessary work to the trains and tracks to keep the site running. It was wonderful to see the group thriving, and I was also really pleased the Coate Water Miniature Railway booked a stand at my Summer Activities Fayre in July, helping to spread the word about this great attraction here in Swindon.

On Wednesday, I visited V Cars Swindon to hear the concerns of the taxi industry first-hand. I met with the team, along with over 300 drivers, to hear how the new technology they use has evolved over the years. It was good to hear the great work V Cars are doing with their inclusive provisions for elderly and disabled passengers, their work supporting NHS workers, and their work supporting Covid vaccinations – driving elderly and vulnerable members of the community to get their Covid jabs.

Saturday sees us mark National Cinema Day, with hundreds of cinemas across the UK are offering tickets for £3 on Saturday, across all films and formats (IMAX, 4DX etc) – including both Cineworlds and Empire Cinemas at Greenbridge. This is the first of its kind since the 1990s, and National Cinema Day champions the wondrous magic of the big screen as part of an initiative that has been developed by Cinema First, and supported by the Film Distributors’ Association and the UK Cinema Association. The cinema industry is worth £556.9 million a year, and this day will be an important boost to jobs, complimenting the hospitality industry and providing much-loved entertainment. Bouncing back from Covid, there seems no better time than now to celebrate UK cinema-going, one of the nation’s favourite leisure activities – especially with the recent news from Cineworld regarding their financial challenges. I am a huge fan of the cinema, regularly going to see the latest releases, armed with popcorn!

Finally, this is the last week of Parliament’s summer recess, and I have been working throughout recess meeting with charities, businesses and constituents, discussing issues they’re facing or hearing their suggestions. All of the various comments and suggestions I receive are fed into the relevant government ministers for their awareness and consideration. Along with Parliament returning next week, the results of the Conservative Party leadership contest and the new Prime Minister will also be announced on Monday, with the winner travelling up to Balmoral Castle to meet the Queen on Tuesday. The new PM will then begin picking his or her cabinet and ministers. I look forward to working with whoever becomes the next PM and best of luck to both candidates.

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