Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column: Our Town Is A Vibrant Hub At Centre Of The Technologies Of The Future

You might not know it, but our town is a vibrant hub at the centre of developing the technologies which will power our future.

Swindon Powertrain, based near Greenbridge, specialise in building new high-specification engines, with many of their clients coming from the world of motorsport.

When I was given the opportunity to see some of the work Powertrain is doing on zero & low emission vehicles, I couldn’t say no.

Whilst still relatively new, zero or low emission technology has taken significant leaps forward in recent years. The battery powered vehicles of science fiction are now a part of everyday life.

From an electric mountain bike capable of speeds exceeding 60 miles per hour, to a fully-electric classic Mini Cooper – the first of its kind anywhere in the world – this Swindon business is at the forefront changing the way we get from A to B in a way which safeguards our planet for the future.

Their success has also been displayed on a global stage, when the Prime Minister had the opportunity to see the electric Mini first-hand at the first ever zero-emission vehicles summit.

I’m proud that our aim is to make the UK the global leader in both the development and manufacture of these technologies. It’s such an important issue that the Government established a new international declaration on low emissions, and created the £246 million Faraday Challenge for research into new green & electric vehicle technology.

From the industrial units of our town which are at the heart of these new technologies, to the fields surrounding the Borough; I was also pleased to visit Roundhill Farm near Highworth, alongside the National Farmers Union, to learn more about how this vital industry contributes to the town.

There are more than 1,000 farmers working across Wiltshire, and the farms that run along the edge of the town contribute enormously to the country’s economy. It was an interesting visit, and I had the opportunity to talk to farmers about the issues affecting farming in Wiltshire including; climate change, the scourge of rural crime, and the way in which farming is changing in the 21st century.

Back in Parliament, I was delighted to meet the dogs and volunteers from Therapy Dogs UK. In my role as the Minister for Disabled People, I have seen just how vital therapy & assistance dogs can be; not only changing lives, but saving them as well.

The charity uses dogs to help reduce stress and anxiety, and also help individuals build confidence. I was also amazed to learn that some assistance dogs can smell when the blood sugar of a diabetic person has dipped, or sense when a person might be about to have a seizure. These fantastic animals are not only adorable; they are a lifeline to so many.

Finally, yesterday we had European elections which we should never ever have had, as Brexit should have already been delivered by now. Whilst we won’t know the results until Sunday, all politicians of all parties need to start listening carefully to what is understandably, a very frustrated public. Politicians have a job to do, and we all collectively need to get on with it.   


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