Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column - PM's Positive Speech After Nightmare Week

I have just finished a BBC Wiltshire interview and perhaps unsurprisingly they mentioned the seismic shift in the polls. To be frank they made grim reading for us.

So, what has happened? Fundamentally too much, too soon.

Yes, Liz Truss is a new PM and yes, she wants to make a mark. However, as a nation we have navigated Brexit, Covid and now the impact of Russia’s aggression on Ukraine hitting people’s living standards. If anything, the public want less, not more. I support the PM’s aims, but there isn’t a need to do everything all at once. At this stage the focus should be solely on our unprecedented Energy Support and delivering additional tax cuts / support for those most in need. There was also too big a reshuffle. Too many of our stronger media performers, vital for explaining / selling new policies have been dropped leaving us too light at the top.

Whilst we have much to do, polling also shows there is no appetite for the alternative. Keir Starmer is no Tony Blair who has been proved wrong on every big test: his support of Corbyn, hostility to Brexit, extending Covid restrictions indefinitely or opposing any measures to balance the books. So, what is the plan? It is essential we show that we are making a positive, tangible difference to people’s lives and their local communities. You’ve got to earn the right to represent.

To her credit, after a nightmare week, the PM delivered a positive speech at Party Conference, focusing on 5 core themes.

Firstly, getting the economy growing. This matters, it leads to higher wages, greater opportunities and will ultimately deliver the growing tax base for our vital public services.

Secondly, reducing our energy bills. As with our Covid financial support, we are delivering immediate unprecedented financial support for households and businesses through our Energy Support and Price Guarantee schemes. Then looking forward, through rapid investment we will increase UK energy production, removing our reliance on expensive, volatile imports.

Thirdly, cutting taxes. We have cut taxes for over 30 million people, worth £430 less tax next year for a typical earner. Our lower taxes for businesses will help them grow and create more jobs across the country.

Fourthly, better infrastructure. We will build infrastructure like roads, railways, and broadband more quickly. Here in Swindon, we know only too well the importance of these works being completed quickly, or at the very least on time!

Finally, managing the economy responsibly. We are committed to reducing debt as a proportion of our national income to make sure we protect our economy for the long term.

These are challenging times, but despite Labour’s copy and paste press releases, every country is wrestling with a global slowdown thanks to Russia’s aggression. In the last few days alone, we have seen the pound strengthen, growth figures revised upwards, and a recession avoided. With the Energy Support packages and tax cuts for local residents and businesses filtering through, economic confidence will grow.

On a lighter note, I had the pleasure of visiting the Link Centre’s brand-new soft play arena. It got a huge thumbs up from my daughter Margot. This is a great addition to our much-loved Link Centre and I am sure families will be visiting in their droves in the coming weeks and months!

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