Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column - Prime Minister's Visit A Strong Display of Support

The government continues to support the Ukrainian people during their time of need. In response to Russia’s targeting of Ukrainian civilians, the Foreign Secretary announced 178 new sanctions aimed at individuals associated with the Russian-backed illegal breakaway regions of Ukraine. In addition, further family members of Russian oligarchs have been targeted for sanctions.

It was fantastic to see the Prime Minister standing side by side with Ukrainian President Voldymyr Zelensky in Kyiv last weekend.

The visit gave the Prime Minister the opportunity to express the UK's support for Ukraine in person, as well as get a first-hand understanding of the situation on the ground.

While in Ukraine the Prime Minister also outlined further support the UK will give Ukraine, which includes: 120 armoured vehicles, Anti-ship missile systems, a further $500 million loan guarantee to Ukraine. This is in addition to the £100 million worth of high-grade military equipment announced last week, including more Starstreak anti-aircraft missiles, another 800 anti-tank missiles, and high-tech loitering munitions for precision strikes.

The continuing horrific images from Ukraine show why our continued support is absolutely essential.

Locally, I am continuing to work closely with Swindon Borough Council to help those fleeing Ukraine. If you have any questions you can look at the Council's Warm Welcome scheme for those arriving in Swindon from Ukraine.

The Warm Welcome Team will ensure that those coming from Ukraine will be supported with things such as school places, access to health services, and housing - those refugees who come in via the Government’s process of matching Ukrainians with host families.

In addition to this the community health & wellbeing team is arranging the storage and sorting of donated clothes and other practical items such as pushchairs.

The Prime Minister also spoke to President Biden this week – discussing how the UK and US can continue working together to bolster military and economic support for Ukraine. As Russia gears up for another military onslaught in the east of Ukraine, the UK and US will also continue our joint efforts to maintain economic pressure on Putin and his murderous regime.

Last week I was approached by Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service (SDASS) to help with their annual Easter Egg Collection. They were appealing for people to donate chocolate Easter eggs to families who they provide support to. I was more than happy to promote the appeal and offer my office as a collection point for people to drop their donations off.

We were absolutely overwhelmed by the response! Hundreds of eggs were donated by very kind members of the public and local businesses. The SDASS team were quite shocked when they arrived to collect them, with multiple trips required.

It was amazing to see the generosity of so many people, and their donations will really make a difference – so a big thank you to everyone who donated.

Finally, may I wish everyone a very happy Easter and I hope you enjoy the long weekend!

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