Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column - Rishi Can Unite The Party

Following on from last week’s article, my phone was soon buzzing with calls from the prospective new Prime Ministers.

Previously I had supported Boris Johnson. I consider him a friend, I admire his ability to reach across the political divide and he brought a glass half-full spirit to politics.

However, it was just too soon. It is only a few months since he lost the support of the majority of colleagues and he would struggle to reach just 1/3 of the Parliamentary Party - you simply can't govern like that. Colleagues were understandably nervous about the forthcoming Privileges Committee, which at best would have been major distraction whilst we are trying to navigate the cost of living challenge and at worst could have seen him suspended, crashing us into a constitutional crisis and almost certainly a General Election. With regret, as I said, it was just too soon. We need to be grown up, pragmatic and understand we must be absolutely focused on putting the country first. The country is facing a profound economic crisis – buffered by Covid and Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine with the knock-on impacts on cost of living. It therefore doesn’t matter whether you are ERG, One Nation, Vote Leave or Remain – we owe it to the country to have the best people at the top table.

For me, it therefore had to be Rishi Sunak, with his experience of decisive action through Covid.

The decisive victory quickly united the Party – allowing him to select the strongest team to navigate the challenges ahead. We must all now step up to the challenge to deliver:

• A stronger NHS. • Better schools. • Safer streets. • Control of our borders. • Protecting our environment. • Supporting our armed forces. • Levelling up and building an economy that embraces the opportunities of Brexit, where businesses invest, innovate, and create jobs.

Turning back to more local news, I was delighted to be invited to the grand opening of BEST - Be A Better You in the Dorcan Industrial Estate. BEST are an organisation which provides bespoke 1-2-1 mentoring programmes for at risk 11-25 year olds and confidence building programmes, alongside running structured discipline sports clubs like martial arts, boxing and fitness, as well as enrichment programmes for schools and during the school holidays for 5-16 year olds. I was really impressed with what the team have pulled together, and I have no doubt this will make a real difference to so many young people in Swindon. I also met with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust – I have worked with them since being elected as the PM to embed best practice into new developments. With the Tadpole Development we made sure there was sufficient open space, natural habitats and crucially biodiversity off-setting, where adjacent land is enhanced for nature. This is something which should be a given, both in Swindon and nationally and I am keen to push. It enhances our local communities and protects them for future generations. Finally, I am sorry to hear of the sad loss of the former Mayor and long-serving Borough and Parish Councillor Derek Benfield. Whilst we were of opposing teams, he was always full of good spirit, cared deeply about his local community and I enjoyed watching many a football match with him – something we did agree about! Derek was the best of politics and I have no doubt will be sorely missed.

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