Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column - Small Businesses Benefiting From Bespoke Support

I headed to Parliament a little later than normal on Monday as I agreed to visit The Foundry, based in The Workshed, the modernised part of the former Carriage Works on Bristol Street.

The Foundry has been designed to help Swindon’s micro and small businesses by providing participating companies with free, high-quality office space and structured business growth support.

The Foundry offers the resources and support needed to help achieve growth ambitions and facilitates growth through appropriate and experienced business mentoring and coaching. Each cycle of The Foundry runs for three months, allowing an influx of fresh talent the chance to benefit from the programme.

Now, this exciting new venture opened in a blaze of glory with the all the great and good joining the official opening ceremony, then shortly afterwards both the Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Chancellor popped in. Swindon Borough Council and all those involved can be proud of the buzz that has been generated.

It was now my turn. I was excited by this visit, having started and run my own business in Swindon prior to becoming the MP. I understand the challenges, opportunities, and excitement of owning your own business. To be honest a few more MPs would benefit from the experience of having to sort a VAT return, make sure staff and suppliers are paid and finding enough customers!

Having spent time talking to the fledgling businesses who were very patient with my questions / suggestions, it was clear they all had great potential and were benefitting from this bespoke support. For me, sharing best practice and providing focus are key – that was very clearly on offer. Vital with so much for each fledgling business seeking to navigate.

Applications for the next wave of businesses are open. This programme will run from Tuesday 17th January – Friday 31st March 2023. The application form can be found on their website: theworkshed.co.uk/thefoundry - with Sunday 18th December the deadline.

I offered to continue to help and support this initiative, each successful business that ‘graduates’ could go on to offer brand new, exciting job opportunities for our town. Brilliant visit!

I was also delighted to host an event in Parliament this week, alongside The Kennel Club, Dogs Trust, RSPCA, Battersea Dogs & Cats Home, the British Veterinary Association and Blue Cross, to call for a ban on cruel electric shock collars.

Shock collars are used to punish unwanted behaviour in dogs by administering a shock to their neck. These shocks are both physically and psychologically damaging to the dog – moreover, positive reinforcement of good behaviour (treats, etc) is proven to be more effective at changing unwanted behaviour.

I was very proud to host this event and build on the previous work I have done to improve the welfare of dogs – particularly to end the awful puppy smuggling trade.

Finally, with Christmas just around the corner, the Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service Christmas gift collection has now begun.

Christmas can be a very difficult time for families who find themselves in refuges, and the gift campaign can brighten someone’s day and ensure they have gifts to open on Christmas morning.

My office at the Orbital Shopping Park is open for donations, so it would be amazing if you would consider picking up an extra gift to contribute to this important campaign.

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