Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column: The Dream Of Owning Your Home Is One Which Cuts Across Generations & Communities

The dream of owning your home is one which cuts across generations and communities. I’m sure many of you will remember getting the keys to your first home – the sense of anticipation and excitement are feelings I want more people to experience.

As a country we face a challenge to ensure that everyone who wants to own their own home can do so.

Swindon has been one of the fastest growing towns for throughout much of the last generation. Independent analysis this week showed that Swindon is high on the list when it comes to attracting investment in new homes while our Local Plan, with cross-party support, is delivering appropriate new developments across the Borough.

The Government has backed our efforts with almost £35 million in New Homes Bonus grants since 2010 – helping to fund vital local services – and major investment infrastructure including roads, rail & broadband.

Schemes to build more homes are being backed to make it easier to buy. Help to Buy has assisted more than 1,000 people in buying a home in Swindon, and the move to scrap Stamp Duty for first time buyers has helped almost 70,000 people nationally.  I have met many of these people in Swindon, including bringing the former Prime Minister David Cameron to meet one young couple personally who had purchased their first home.

However alongside new developments, we can help more people get onto the housing ladder – and help clean up communities – by tackling the problem of empty homes.

At the weekend I spoke to residents who were angry about an abandoned property which was run down, abandoned for decades.  It had rats coming & going from it. This is completely unacceptable and happens in many communities, with one property blighting the area for all residents.  

There will be occasions when it is reasonable for properties to be left empty for a period of time - for example, if planning permission is pending or the owner has deceased. But it cannot be right that homes are left empty when they could be occupied, and left to blight communities.

I therefore raised the issue with the Housing Minister this week; asking what more can be done and I was delighted that he confirmed that we will end the Council Tax discount on homes empty for two years or more. 

These changes will help act as an incentive to property owners to bring these homes back into use, stop neighbours being blighted these properties, and increase the number of homes available to those wanting a place of their own.

Finally, next Thursday sees the Borough Council elections in Swindon. Everyone who gets involved in politics does so because they want to help people & make a difference. I very much enjoyed the 10 years I spent as a Swindon Borough Councillor prior to becoming the MP.

This year, Swindon is trialling a new scheme which means residents will need to bring their poll card or ID with them to vote. The pilot is one of many schemes being tested to protect our democracy from potential electoral fraud. 

Swindon was selected because of our fantastic Electoral Registration Team.  They have communicated to every household on several occasions how this pilot will work, and the response from the public has been supportive.

So as a final reminder: When you go to vote next Thursday – remember your poll card or ID and good luck to all candidates, it is an important role in the community and I look forward to working with those elected.




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