Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Is An Optimistic Can-Do Approach

With the mercury pushing towards 100 degrees, and 100 days to go until we leave the European Union, there was a buzz around Westminster this week as Boris Johnson won the Conservative leadership election and was invited to form a Government by The Queen.

On Wednesday, Theresa May rightly received recognition from all sides as she took her final session of Prime Minister’s Questions. Working with her up close over the past three years, its clear to me that she was dedicated to delivering Brexit and tackling the burning injustices we see across the country. Nobody wanted her to succeed more than me.

From first to last, she was fastidious in discharging her duties as Prime Minister. History may sadly forget her achievements - her work on modern slavery, equality, and mental health - but no one should doubt her dedication to service or her commitment to country.

I’m delighted that in Boris Johnson, we have another strong leader with the passion, drive & commitment to deliver for Swindon and the country.

Boris showed during his time as London Mayor that he delivers; securing investment, cutting crime, building new affordable homes and leading the way on opportunity, equality & diversity for all. Crucially, he has the ability to reach out beyond the Westminster bubble and is passionate about ensuring our country prospers.

That passion was on display outside Downing Street on Wednesday, and in the Commons chamber yesterday; as the Prime Minister set out his optimistic vision for Britain.

On Brexit, he has rightly committed to getting this done by 31st October, with a great new deal for Britain. We will deliver on the referendum result, and also protect the rights of EU citizens who are our friends, neighbours & work colleagues.

I’m also delighted to see the focus Boris is placing on investing in the vital public services we use every day.

We’ve committed to ensuring people start seeing the £20 billion in new NHS funding; we’ve confirmed we will hire 20,000 new police officers & give them the powers to keep our streets safe; and set out plans for new funding for our schools, so that every child can go as far as their talents will take them.

I was also particularly pleased to see a keen focus on the environment, animal welfare, and tackling climate change in the new Government’s agenda. We are world leaders in these areas, and the new Prime Minister has rightly set out plans to turbocharge this still further.

One of the most important things any new Prime Minister has to do, is ensure they put together a Cabinet which not only reflects the wide range of opinions in their party, but also reflects the society its going to represent.

So I was thrilled to see more women & MPs from minority backgrounds appointed to Cabinet. I’m also particularly pleased for my good friend & South Swindon colleague, Robert Buckland, who has joined the Cabinet as the Justice Secretary – a role I know he is a perfect fit for, and in which he will succeed.

I’ve already received plenty of e-mails from residents across North Swindon voicing their support for the new Prime Minister’s optimistic, can-do approach, and I look forward to working closely with him to deliver for our town.


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