Justin Tomlinson

Justin Tomlinson

North Swindon

Swindon Advertiser Column: This Is One Of The Biggest Projects I Have Been Involved In & It Will Changes The Lives Of Local Young People

In North Swindon, I have represented areas of the Northern Sector for over 18 years now, and can still remember being a councillor when we campaigned successfully for new schools, including Bridlewood and Oakhurst Primary School.

Despite Labour opposition at the time, these schools were built and we now have a great number of fantastic local Primary Schools with two more scheduled for construction to keep up with demand.

But in 2013, it was clear that with all the Primary Schools filling up quickly, we would also need additional secondary school places. This led to a meeting with the former principal of New College Graham Taylor, where we discussed the need to build a school ahead of time in order to be prepared for the demand.

We knew it would be a big ask as we knew that there was another proposed secondary school in Swindon as the Deanery Academy in Wichelstowe had put in a fantastic bid and been approved funding. We knew it was unheard of for two secondary schools in the same town to be granted funding at the same time, especially as the Department of Education receives a high number of competing applications from all over the country.

But we didn’t give in. We knew that there would be the demand in Swindon and we knew it was essential for parents to be given good secondary school choices. Graham and his team continued to work on compiling the bid, which included offering a school that would provide a comprehensive after-school programme. I pushed particularly on the focus of after-school activities for all pupils as I know how essential it is for children (and busy parents) to be given the opportunities to develop hobbies, have fun and be active.

I also did not rest until I had spoken to every single Education Minister and the Secretary of State for Education multiple times throughout the whole process. Thankfully they relented, and the Government agreed to pay £21 million for the new school to be built. We were the 49th school to be approved on a list of 48!

I can then remember the very cold and wet morning where we all assembled to mark the start of construction as I put the first spade in the ground. Fast forward a year and I was asked to put the final beam in place – an experience which really did emphasise just how quickly time flies! I was also pleased to host head teacher Graham Davis and his team to my community office as they held public consultations and sessions for prospective parents and students.

This week the school had its official opening, having welcomed its first 150 year 7 pupils through the doors in September. Guests were shown all of the brilliant new state-of-the-art facilities including the dance studio, three football pitches, a theatre, a multi-use games area, and a four-court sports hall. Each group was given a tour by year 7 pupils and the enthusiasm and pride that they had in their new school made all of the hard work and effort over the last 5 years seem more than worth it!

I’d like to say a big thank you to everybody who helped us make this school possible – Graham Taylor, Swindon Borough Council, BAM construction, head teacher Graham Davis, his brilliant team of teachers, the parents and of course the students. In the 18 years I’ve been elected, this is one of the biggest projects I’ve been involved in and certainly one of the proudest moments. 

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